Thursday, May 6, 2010

1 month!!

In some ways, I can't believe it's already been a month. In others, it's seemed like decades. Unfortunately, my hopes for a good post partum time were dashed. I'm apparently just one that's gonna have trouble with hormones leveling out. I've been struggling. Finally, I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel....I think. Jacob had hand-foot-mouth disease the second week we were home. Now, this past week, he's battling double ear infections (he hasn't had one in over 1.5 years) and we're having trouble keeping his fever down below 103!! Even with antibiotics. So, obviously, we're just trying to get by.

Jordyn is doing great. She is eating great (ALL THE TIME). And YAY!, I'm still nursing her. At least I was able to do that this time. I made it a full month before giving her a bottle. That was a HUGE milestone for me. She has had 2 bottles of formula (we tried to see if she'd sleep longer, but didn't work....and she'd much prefer momma's milk anyway). She is sleeping 3-4 hour stretches most of the time. Once, she gave me 5, but I'm still looking forward to the day when that is the norm vs. the exception. She is a very needy baby. Much more than Jacob was. If she's awake, she wants to be held or fed. She doesn't like the swing, bouncy seat or a pacifier. So, it's kind of wearing me down, but I'm trying to just soak it all in now cause I know soon enough I'll want to cuddle her and she won't want a thing to do with me. It's hard though when you are running on a month of sleep that consists of 3 hour stretches.

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