Friday, October 30, 2009


As most of you know, the H1N1 flu is going around and seems to be EVERYWHERE. Seems as though I'm at the top of the "high risk" list being pregnant (yeah, I picked a great time to be pregnant!). I debated for a very long time as to whether or not to get the vaccine. So many people were skeptical because it's such a new vaccine (this year!) and the long term effects on the mother and baby were unknown. However, after MUCH research, I made the best educated decision I could. I got the vaccine last week when it became available through my work. From all of the research I've done, it appears that this new vaccine was created in the same way and even by the same companies, as the normal flu vaccine. The H1N1 is just a different strain of flu. In fact, rumor has it that if the H1N1 flu had been wider spread earlier this year, it would have been the normal flu shot.

The thing that finally pushed me over to the "get it" side was when I found out that by me getting the vaccine while pregnant, I would be protecting my baby once he/she was born. During the first several months, a baby is at higher risk of contracting illnesses due a new/immature immune system. They can't have any vaccines for the first several months. So, now, through me, my baby will be protected. And even though it is a new vaccine, after all of my research, I felt fairly safe taking it.

So, that covered me. But what about Jacob and Kyle. Kyle wasn't going to get either flu shot, but because Jacob and I were both "high risk", he decided it would be a good idea so that he didn't bring it home to us (thanks, honey)! And with Jacob, I always hate putting things in his body that are just so unknown. But after hearing about so many deaths in young kids, we opted to vaccinate him as well. Of course, we decide this and then there is the shortage. Our pediatrician isn't even getting a supply this season. Her nurse recommended that we try some of our local urgent care centers. I think we got extemely lucky because one place had several of the nasal mist vaccines the day I called. That is the live version of the virus. YIKES! But, again, everything I've read says they are just as safe as the shot (killed version). So yesterday, Kyle and Jacob got vaccinated. Jacob will have to go back for a second dose in a month (assuming it's available then). But I feel better just knowing that he's at least somewhat covered.

I was a little worried that Jacob wouldn't do well with the nasal version. They have to shoot it up your nose while you are inhaling. We let him watch daddy go first, then we practiced sniffing. He did really good. He jerked his head back a bit with the first bit, and it ran down his lip, but he let them put it in both sides and didn't cry. He's such a trooper. We watched him closely for signs of side effects, which were reported more in the nasal version, but he did great. No fever, no coughing (or no more than usual right now). And so far today, we're good (knock on wood).

All in all, I feel like we did the right thing for our family. We just hope and pray that we can ward off any and all illnesses this winter (although, we're not starting out so hot with strep and croup last week).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

17 years ago today

This time of year...the fall air, the changing always brings back memories...some good, some bad. Today is one of the bad days. Today, 17 years ago, my father died. He was probably the most important man in my life. My dad was my hero. Y'know that they say that time heals all wounds. I beg to differ. It may lessen the pain, only because it's harder to remember how he sounded or what he looked like, or how his hugs felt, but the pain is still there. I miss him terribly every day.

I was 18 years old, in my first semester of college. I remember that morning so clearly. He was up when I was leaving for my classes. We had breakfast together. He hugged me goodbye. When I came home after lunch, he was lying on the kitchen floor. I called the ambulance and attempted CPR, but I knew he was gone. That day haunted me for a very long time. I had nightmares. Finally, one night, in a dream or some kind of weird subconscious state, he came to me, hugged me and said goodbye. From then on, the dreams stopped and I was at peace. The hurt still lingered, but I knew he was safe. And I knew that he loved me.

This day....this horrible day 17 years ago rocked my world. Someone so important to me was taken far too early. The only thing that eases my mind is to know that he was SO important, that God needed him for something bigger and better than he could do on this earth. So, on this day 17 years later, I honor my dad with a HUGE thank you. Thank you daddy, for being the World's Best Dad. I miss you.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A night in the ER

Last week was really rough. Jacob was diagnosed with strep throat Wednesday afternoon and we started his antibiotics so I thought he might start feeling better quickly. However, he woke up 3 times during his nap that afternoon and I could tell he was just miserable! Every time he coughed he just cringed. Poor fella. He perked up with Motrin, so I was hopeful that he might sleep at least 3 hour stretches overnight. Well, at 10:30, he was up coughing and crying and he scared us to death. He was having such a hard time breathing. He was struggling so much that his chest was heaving with each breath. Then he threw up a big ball of phlem. Uck! I was so scared to put him back down. So, we called the on-call pedi, which just happened to be our pedi (the one that diagnosed strep). We told her what was going on and basically, she suggested that we take him to the ER. So we did. Spent 3 hours there. I was sitting in the waiting room just feeling the germs closing in on me.....ewwww. Swine flu anyone?! Anyway, his fever was back up to 101 and he wouldn't take the Tylenol, so that won him a suppository. Yeah, didn't like that much. Can't say that I blame him. His O2 sats were in the low 90's, which they didn't really seem too worried about, but I'm thinking that can't be good. The term pneumonia came up, but his lungs still sounded clear, so he was just diagnosed with croup. So, he got a nebulizer treatment, a dose of steroids and a popsicle (used to bribe him to take the steroids). Oh, and the "best" part....they tested him for both flus. This involved sticking a tube about 3-4 inches up his nose, shooting some saline up there and then taking it back out (to get a sample of mucous)....He did NOT like that at all. It took 3 of us to hold him down....and it just broke my heart. He was negative for both, thank goodness! All in all, he was such a trooper and did very well. Probably better than I did. Thank God Kyle was there! We got home at 2:00am and he went on to bed pretty quickly. But, he was up at 7:00, ready to get up. I guess 5 hours straight is really good though, considering. He's definitely doing better now. The seal bark is gone and it's more of a normal cough now. He just took his last dose of antibiotics today. Thank goodness he's better. That was scarey and I don't want to go that again anytime soon.....or EVER!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Time

Next weekend is Halloween. We're excited this year because I think this is the first year Jacob will really "get it". I think he'll be very excited to see all the candy that people put in his bag. I made the mistake of mentioning pumpkins last week, and then we went to the Pumpkin Farm, and he has not forgotten since. All week, he's been talking about picking out his pumpkin and painting it. Finally, last night, we got to pick out his pumpkin. Momma also got one. Daddy is at work all weekend, so Momma and Jacob got to do this project ourselves. Jacob's pumpkin is a rainbow of colors, just like his little personality. I'm planning on carving my pumpkin alone (while he's sleeping). I'm not quite ready to try to manage a "helping" toddler with a giant knife in my hand. Anyway, here's some pictures of our projects.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here we grow again.......

I figured this would be an easy way for family and friends to keep up with our lives. So, here goes. Welcome to our world. Most of you know by now, but we are expecting baby #2. The official due date is April 12, 2010, however, a c-section is planned, so it's likely that it will happen a bit before the due date. I'm expecting somewhere around April 8th or so, but we'll see.

Things have been going really well. We've had a great summer. The weather has been so mild that we have been able to do a lot of outdoor activities. We've discovered that Jacob is a little hiker. He's been on several hikes with us, and believe it or not, he generally keeps up with us. His record so far is 1.5 miles. Not too bad for a 2, almost 3-year old, eh? Of course, the willingness to walk varies day to day, and while he might do the 1.5 miles one day, the next week, he might only do 0.5 miles. Of course, I don't always feel like walking either, so I understand. LOL.

Kyle and I are really hoping for a girl this time, but of course, we will be ecstatic with another boy. At our 12-week u/s, the tech got a pretty good between-the-legs shot and said in her professional opinion, she thought it was a girl. That's still very early and a lot of times they can't really tell until much later, so we're not holding our breath, but needless to say, we were both very happy with her "professional opinion". I've told Kyle that if this baby is a girl, LOOK OUT, she's gonna be pink, ruffles and frills.....girl all the way. Watch her be a tomboy like I was....LOL.

This will be our last child and I am planning on having my tubes tied at delivery. We both love kids and if we'd started earlier, we would have had more. But at my "advanced maternal age" (that's what they call it since I'm 35), I've noticed that I get tired pretty easily. And chasing after a very active 2-year old pretty much wears us down (I guess that makes Kyle of "advanced paternal age"....haha). We're kind of hoping that a sibling will help occupy some of Jacob's time. Right now, he pretty much wants momma or daddy with him all the time. He hasn't quite got the whole playing-by-himself thing down just yet. That will change in about 5 months.

Our hopes are to have Jacob potty trained before the baby gets here. He's been displaying several signs that he's ready for quite a while, but when we've tried it, it's a no-go. We're keeping our fingers crossed that in the next 5 months he'll decide it's time to wear some big-boy underwear. We already got the supply of Spongebob and Thomas the Train underwear ready to go.

So, that's just a brief review of where we are now. I'll try to update this often. Check back weekly for updates.

Oh, here's a picture of me at 13 weeks pregnant. I guess it's really do "pop" much more quickly the second time around. This is about how big I looked at 6 months with Jacob. Oh man, it's gonna be a long 5 months..........