Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Here we grow again.......

I figured this would be an easy way for family and friends to keep up with our lives. So, here goes. Welcome to our world. Most of you know by now, but we are expecting baby #2. The official due date is April 12, 2010, however, a c-section is planned, so it's likely that it will happen a bit before the due date. I'm expecting somewhere around April 8th or so, but we'll see.

Things have been going really well. We've had a great summer. The weather has been so mild that we have been able to do a lot of outdoor activities. We've discovered that Jacob is a little hiker. He's been on several hikes with us, and believe it or not, he generally keeps up with us. His record so far is 1.5 miles. Not too bad for a 2, almost 3-year old, eh? Of course, the willingness to walk varies day to day, and while he might do the 1.5 miles one day, the next week, he might only do 0.5 miles. Of course, I don't always feel like walking either, so I understand. LOL.

Kyle and I are really hoping for a girl this time, but of course, we will be ecstatic with another boy. At our 12-week u/s, the tech got a pretty good between-the-legs shot and said in her professional opinion, she thought it was a girl. That's still very early and a lot of times they can't really tell until much later, so we're not holding our breath, but needless to say, we were both very happy with her "professional opinion". I've told Kyle that if this baby is a girl, LOOK OUT, she's gonna be pink, ruffles and frills.....girl all the way. Watch her be a tomboy like I was....LOL.

This will be our last child and I am planning on having my tubes tied at delivery. We both love kids and if we'd started earlier, we would have had more. But at my "advanced maternal age" (that's what they call it since I'm 35), I've noticed that I get tired pretty easily. And chasing after a very active 2-year old pretty much wears us down (I guess that makes Kyle of "advanced paternal age"....haha). We're kind of hoping that a sibling will help occupy some of Jacob's time. Right now, he pretty much wants momma or daddy with him all the time. He hasn't quite got the whole playing-by-himself thing down just yet. That will change in about 5 months.

Our hopes are to have Jacob potty trained before the baby gets here. He's been displaying several signs that he's ready for quite a while, but when we've tried it, it's a no-go. We're keeping our fingers crossed that in the next 5 months he'll decide it's time to wear some big-boy underwear. We already got the supply of Spongebob and Thomas the Train underwear ready to go.

So, that's just a brief review of where we are now. I'll try to update this often. Check back weekly for updates.

Oh, here's a picture of me at 13 weeks pregnant. I guess it's really do "pop" much more quickly the second time around. This is about how big I looked at 6 months with Jacob. Oh man, it's gonna be a long 5 months..........

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