The thing that finally pushed me over to the "get it" side was when I found out that by me getting the vaccine while pregnant, I would be protecting my baby once he/she was born. During the first several months, a baby is at higher risk of contracting illnesses due a new/immature immune system. They can't have any vaccines for the first several months. So, now, through me, my baby will be protected. And even though it is a new vaccine, after all of my research, I felt fairly safe taking it.
So, that covered me. But what about Jacob and Kyle. Kyle wasn't going to get either flu shot, but because Jacob and I were both "high risk", he decided it would be a good idea so that he didn't bring it home to us (thanks, honey)! And with Jacob, I always hate putting things in his body that are just so unknown. But after hearing about so many deaths in young kids, we opted to vaccinate him as well. Of course, we decide this and then there is the shortage. Our pediatrician isn't even getting a supply this season. Her nurse recommended that we try some of our local urgent care centers. I think we got extemely lucky because one place had several of the nasal mist vaccines the day I called. That is the live version of the virus. YIKES! But, again, everything I've read says they are just as safe as the shot (killed version). So yesterday, Kyle and Jacob got vaccinated. Jacob will have to go back for a second dose in a month (assuming it's available then). But I feel better just knowing that he's at least somewhat covered.
I was a little worried that Jacob wouldn't do well with the nasal version. They have to shoot it up your nose while you are inhaling. We let him watch daddy go first, then we practiced sniffing. He did really good. He jerked his head back a bit with the first bit, and it ran down his lip, but he let them put it in both sides and didn't cry. He's such a trooper. We watched him closely for signs of side effects, which were reported more in the nasal version, but he did great. No fever, no coughing (or no more than usual right now). And so far today, we're good (knock on wood).
All in all, I feel like we did the right thing for our family. We just hope and pray that we can ward off any and all illnesses this winter (although, we're not starting out so hot with strep and croup last week).