As much as I LOVE going in for these (and I really do), it's kind of annoying because I wait and wait and then the actual appt is like 3 min long. Seriously. But, all was good. The heartbeat was great (love that sound), my belly is measuring right on track, my BP was 106/68 (woohoo)....and my is up 20# (it varies so much, and on my home scale, it's more like 15-20#, depending on the day). Either way, I compared that to my weight at this point in my last pregnancy, and last time, I was only up 11-12# at this point. That being said, I did start this one off 20# lighter, but still, I was hoping for the same 30# result in the end. All in all, the weight doesn't really matter. All that matters is a healthy baby. I can handle/deal with the weight gain later.
I did my glucose tolerance test that day too. Had to drink that "yummy" sugar drink and have my blood drawn an hour later. Should have the results back next week. They usually won't call unless there is a problem, but I like to know the actual number, so I'll call later and get that. I'm hoping that this was good. Last pregnancy, I had no trouble, but this time around, I was having some low blood sugars early on, so I'm kinda worried about the results of this test. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sure.
My next appt is Jan 26th. That is the start of my WEEKLY u/s. Now, I knew this was coming....I AM old, afterall (not that I really consider 35 all that old), but when she said weekly u/s, I envisioned a quick u/s right there in her office. Yah, not so much. Each and every week from then on out, I will be seeing the specialist (in the clinic upstairs from her) for a full anatomy scan (like the one they did at 20 weeks for all of the measurements and gender), and then I'll have a f/u visit with her. That's 2 hours of missed work EACH WEEK!! I'm not gonna have any time left for maternity leave!!! They are planning them as late in the day as possible to help, but I'm sure to still miss some work. I'm lucky that I have the option of flexing my time and coming in a bit earlier so I can leave earlier, but it just usually doesn't work out (I can't take Jake to daycare until a certain time anyway). But, whatever comes, I'll just deal with it. I just kinda felt like it was overkill to go in for WEEKLY appts!!! But, I also want a healthy baby, so I'll listen to my OB.
This pregnancy has definitely not been as easy on me as the last one. Granted, I'm 3 years older, and "of advanced maternal age"....but I was really hoping to enjoy it since it will be my last. With Jacob, I LOVED being pregnant. And, don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying it, but this one is definitely accompanied by more pains. Probably because I'm still having to chase a very active 3-year old around, eh?!
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